Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Shell Script to Tunnel VNC Sessions over SSH (Improved)

Following is a parameterized shell script which you can use with this syntax:
Usage: vnctunnel [ssh session] [screen] [vnc options]
Example: vnctunnel user@server :1

It's "improved" because it's completely parameterized--you can specify the SSH session, screen, and even vnc options.

(Assuming you copy it to your ~/bin directory and make it executable)

# This is a parameterized script to SSH tunnel a VNC session
# Ryan Helinski

# Local settings
# Change this if you don't like `vncviewer'
# Change this if you use ports near 25900 for something else locally
# Apply extra options to vncviewer
VNCOPTS="--AutoSelect=0 $3"

if [ $# -lt 2 ] ; then
echo "Usage: $0 [ssh session] [screen]";
echo "Example: $0 user@server :1";

SCREEN=`echo $2 | cut -d':' -f2`;

echo "Session: $SSHPARM, Screen: $SCREEN, Port: $SSHPORT"

ssh -f -L $[$PORTOFFSET+$SSHPORT]:localhost:$SSHPORT $SSHPARM sleep 10; \
vncviewer localhost:$[$PORTOFFSET+$SSHPORT]:$SCREEN $VNCOPTS


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