Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Nightly Backup Script

If you're working on a small project, you might want to do a simple nightly backup. The following Bash Shell Script, when copied into your /etc/cron.daily/ directory will do the trick. You might have to allow read access for 'other' users for everything you want to back up. It worked without changing that for me.

Obviously, you'll have to change the file and directories. This is just an example.

[ryan@a564n cmpe646]$ cat cmpe646_backup.sh

date=$(date +%s)

tar -cf /home/cmpe646/cmpe646_project_backup_$date.tar /home/cmpe646/*/*.h* /home/cmpe646/*/*.c* /home/cmpe646/*/*.bench*
bzip2 /home/cmpe646/cmpe646_project_backup_$date.tar

exit 0

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